Thursday, May 28, 2009

MTC - One Week Now

One week has gone by and Ryan is now into a routine of the MTC.
He is excited to engage full-heartly and learn well all that he is taught.

They say after three weeks they embrace Spanish speaking there within
3 weeks? I am amazed. Only in the MTC. We haven't heard from him
as of yet, but bet it will be soon. All the best to you all!


Friday, May 22, 2009

Ryan is in the MTC

The peace that comes from turning your son over to the Lord is a great feeling. The next two years of his life will be creating a close relationship with the Father, the Son & the Holy Ghost.
Nothing else to distract him as it pertains to secular worldliness. Set apart to carry on the work as the Lord desires for Ryan.

The MTC will help him establish the foundation now for the rest of his life and throughout his mission. We look forward to seeing his growth.

He is in the Provo MTC.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Another Mission Site for Ryan

I just made Ryan's Mission Site. net site.

Here is the link:

I really like the easiness of it!
I really like the weather and time on one page.
Mission address...

Fun Stuff